February 16, 2011

Short and Sweet

This blog lived a short, sweet life before I replaced it. 

I love blogger sites!  I have a personal one I use to record my kids' antics and stay in touch with family and friends.  And I love blogs as a means to promote a business and connect with clients, so much so that my new website for CatchLight Photography is a blogsite.  It's one-stop shopping: business 411, galleries, client sites, and of course, a blog!  So go check it out! 


February 2, 2011

New Goodies & the February Steal

I promised I'd share some of the new products I'll be offering this year, and here's the first installment: Boutique Cards!  These are a new item from my favorite print lab, and I picked up several samples at the tradeshow in January.  They come in over 50 different die cut shapes from ornate to simple, are roughly 5x7 inches in size, and can be printed on 3 different papers.  They offer endless custom design possibilities, and print on front and back.  When paired with a portrait session, these cards make luxurious birth announcements, birthday invitations, thank you notes, or greeting cards. 

So to tie it all together, my February Steal is a Package combining a portrait session, custom design work, and a box of 25 Boutique Cards w/ envelopes for $100!   To get the steal, you need to book and pay for the session in February, but you can schedule for anytime before Sept 1st.  The Boutique Cards will normally be offered a la carte for $75 per box, so if this is the look for you, the February Steal is the way to get them half price!

January 26, 2011

Maternal Bliss

You don't see maternity shoots advertised on my website because, honestly, I don't ever do them.  I'm not sure why that is... I absolutely loved being pregnant myself, and I always inwardly smile at seeing those big round bellies in other women and the hope, love, and joy they foretell. 

On my trip to Texas earlier this month, I had three short days to spend in my home town of Austin.  And one of my dearest, oldest friends still lives there and is expecting her second baby this spring. I told her "You HAVE to let me take some belly pictures!!" and she happily agreed. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to capture this joyful time in her life.  Just like babyhood, pregnancy is so short, so finite....   And most of us wish the days would tick by even faster because we can't wait to meet our baby.   And while we may not always feel or look our best, we are awed by the little life growing inside us, kicking us, promising to make our lives complete and purposeful and full of love beyond what we thought possible.  That expectancy needs to be captured and remembered.  All stages of life are deserving of remembrance, the fleeting ones even more so, and portraiture is the best way I know how to do that.

So, there's my plug for maternity shoots.  And here's my philosophy on how they should be done: as naturally and honestly as possible.  I like to see photographs of the mother, and not just shots of her belly.  She's aglow, full of life in the truest sense of that phrase.  I like to see photographs of the family as they are in that moment in time, because that dynamic is going to change.  Here are a few of my favorite images from the session, and the entire gallery is a public one at CatchLight Galleries.

So, Thank You again to these friends for letting me do this session with you, and for the trust you had in me and the free artistic rein it enabled. I cannot wait to meet the new addition!! 

January 23, 2011

New Stuff for a New Year!

I am hot off my heals from a trip to the annual Imaging USA conference that's hosted by Professional Photographers of America.  I had the pleasure of attending with good friend and fellow photog Phuong Besancon of La Lumiere Photography.  I am inspired, invigorated, and yes, a touch overwhelmed.  I attended this conference because it focuses on the fundamentals of running a successful photography business.  And I certainly do not have a business background.  I just love what I do, and want to do it well.

So, what inspired me?  I saw lots of snazzy slideshows of amazing photography by some of the most successful people in our field.  I saw great examples of well-branded businesses.  I saw style, polish, and a little hype.  But there was a particular presentation of such significance that I felt true inspiration.  The gentleman's name is David Williams.  He's a master at his craft: he studies the lighting, posing, and perspective used by the master painters, he's a gimmick-free portrait artist, and I swear, he can capture your soul on film.  His message is his definition of photography: it should be pure, it should be done for love, and the photographer should be emotionally vested in their subjects.  His presentation, which closed with a simple slideshow documenting his parents' lives (both of whom recently passed from Alzheimer's), received a standing ovation.  I was in tears.

What invigorated me?  All of the new, fresh ideas out there of how to use our photographs.  Now, you'll never find me trying to sell kitsch... no keychains, throw blankets, or tote bags from me.  But there are some really neat products out there.  Did you know you can have a custom image box created to house your album that matches your album?  Or, that you can get holiday cards die cut like snowflakes?  There are lots of high-end products available to make your portraits stand out from the pack.  I'll be picking my favorites to offer this year, and you'll see them featured in future blog posts.

Now to what overwhelmed me.  There are just so many pieces to running a profitable, sustainable business, and there is SO MUCH competition.  I'm an engineer-turned-artist.  I love to learn, I love to be challenged, and I won't lie, I love to be in the black.  This is a new business, and I will continue to redefine and tweak as I learn.

I'm so, so lucky to have the energy, time, and support to build this business, and the clients that inspire me and trust in me.  Here's to a great 2011!

December 15, 2010

January's Steal

It's mid-month, time to announce January's Steal!  All sessions booked for January will receive FREE accordion mini book calendars, a $50 value!  Yes, I said books, as in they come in a pack of 3.  So, one for you and two to gift, a great way to celebrate the New Year!  These are one of my favorite press-printed products that I offer, and they're a perfect way to carry around and show off several images from your session.  So if the holidays were too hectic to fit in family portraits, get them done in January (and show off all of those new clothes!)

December 6, 2010

Little Girl, Big Brown Eyes

What photographer (or any person for that matter) isn't a sucker for the big, innocent eyes that only small children have??  I love eyes.  In a portrait, I really feel that it's the eyes that speak to the viewer and set the tone of the image.  I named my business for the reflected highlight seen in the eye, I decked my daughter's room out in owls, I'm smitten with the gorgeous gray eyes and long lashes my children have....  So, it goes without saying that I drooled over this little girl's big coffee-brown eyes.  Oh, and let's not forget those curls.  I'm also a sucker for curls.

This shoot took place on a windy Sunday, in the lazy, late afternoon light.  The client requested we take the pictures in their backyard, and so it was a very relaxed shoot.  This quiet little girl didn't mind myself or my camera one tiny bit.  She smiled and laughed the ENTIRE time.  If was a lot of fun.  And I got a lot of gorgeous close-ups of her happy, sincere face.

Since it's fall, and there's a pretty park right up the road, we took an excursion to play in the leaves and get a few shots with the fall colors and Sandia Mountains in the background.  We played peek-a-boo, rolled around in the leaves, and just hung out.  And she got to finish the shoot with some one-on-one play time with Mom and Dad.   You know, it's hard to call it work when you're getting to do what you love and your clients are enjoying themselves, too.

A very special thanks to this family for trusting their daughter's 3-year portraits to me and my style of photography!

November 28, 2010

Autumn at the Academy

I can't say it enough:  I love taking pictures in the fall!  Albuquerque is especially gorgeous this time of year, even with the leaves a little past their prime and the winds starting to kick up.  And one of the prettiest spots in town is the campus of the Albuquerque Academy.  So I was super excited when this family opted for the Academy for their family photo shoot.

This family is also a close personal friend, and it made for an interesting dynamic for the shoot.  While I knew that they'd be very comfortable with me, I was more nervous of them than I would be for a brand new client.  I felt my responsibility as their photographer, and hence, the weight of their trust in me, keenly. 

We were shooting kind of late in the day, light-wise.  Since it was a Friday, the campus was active and we timed the shoot for after school let out.  So, it was a race against the setting sun.  I've recently done portraits of the kids, but this was my first time to photograph all five of them.  They are a super fun family.  The kids are energetic, to say the least  :-)   My plan was to start the shoot at the far end of the campus, so we would  A) be traveling against the exodus of students, B) get the mountain shots in before the foreground was "dark" and I'd have to use fill-flash, and C) the mileage would wear out those kids! 

Despite the time crunch, we were able to take group shots at 5 or 6 diverse locations on campus.  Mixed in there, we got some beautiful portraits of the parents, and individuals of the kids. 

For families with more than one child, I prefer to do posed portraits.  It's more economical time-wise, and it's still an honest portrait.  However, I really love candids.  I love images of people interacting with one another.  But with a group this size, you have to be very, very patient to catch a frame where everyone is in sync. 

Here's my favorite candid, and possibly my favorite image, from the afternoon.  True to form, it was one of the last ones I took.  The light was fading really fast, it had been a long, productive shoot, and we were all headed back to the cars. 

To me, this image says "We ROCKED that photo session!  Let's go enjoy our Friday night together."