December 6, 2010

Little Girl, Big Brown Eyes

What photographer (or any person for that matter) isn't a sucker for the big, innocent eyes that only small children have??  I love eyes.  In a portrait, I really feel that it's the eyes that speak to the viewer and set the tone of the image.  I named my business for the reflected highlight seen in the eye, I decked my daughter's room out in owls, I'm smitten with the gorgeous gray eyes and long lashes my children have....  So, it goes without saying that I drooled over this little girl's big coffee-brown eyes.  Oh, and let's not forget those curls.  I'm also a sucker for curls.

This shoot took place on a windy Sunday, in the lazy, late afternoon light.  The client requested we take the pictures in their backyard, and so it was a very relaxed shoot.  This quiet little girl didn't mind myself or my camera one tiny bit.  She smiled and laughed the ENTIRE time.  If was a lot of fun.  And I got a lot of gorgeous close-ups of her happy, sincere face.

Since it's fall, and there's a pretty park right up the road, we took an excursion to play in the leaves and get a few shots with the fall colors and Sandia Mountains in the background.  We played peek-a-boo, rolled around in the leaves, and just hung out.  And she got to finish the shoot with some one-on-one play time with Mom and Dad.   You know, it's hard to call it work when you're getting to do what you love and your clients are enjoying themselves, too.

A very special thanks to this family for trusting their daughter's 3-year portraits to me and my style of photography!

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