December 15, 2010

January's Steal

It's mid-month, time to announce January's Steal!  All sessions booked for January will receive FREE accordion mini book calendars, a $50 value!  Yes, I said books, as in they come in a pack of 3.  So, one for you and two to gift, a great way to celebrate the New Year!  These are one of my favorite press-printed products that I offer, and they're a perfect way to carry around and show off several images from your session.  So if the holidays were too hectic to fit in family portraits, get them done in January (and show off all of those new clothes!)

December 6, 2010

Little Girl, Big Brown Eyes

What photographer (or any person for that matter) isn't a sucker for the big, innocent eyes that only small children have??  I love eyes.  In a portrait, I really feel that it's the eyes that speak to the viewer and set the tone of the image.  I named my business for the reflected highlight seen in the eye, I decked my daughter's room out in owls, I'm smitten with the gorgeous gray eyes and long lashes my children have....  So, it goes without saying that I drooled over this little girl's big coffee-brown eyes.  Oh, and let's not forget those curls.  I'm also a sucker for curls.

This shoot took place on a windy Sunday, in the lazy, late afternoon light.  The client requested we take the pictures in their backyard, and so it was a very relaxed shoot.  This quiet little girl didn't mind myself or my camera one tiny bit.  She smiled and laughed the ENTIRE time.  If was a lot of fun.  And I got a lot of gorgeous close-ups of her happy, sincere face.

Since it's fall, and there's a pretty park right up the road, we took an excursion to play in the leaves and get a few shots with the fall colors and Sandia Mountains in the background.  We played peek-a-boo, rolled around in the leaves, and just hung out.  And she got to finish the shoot with some one-on-one play time with Mom and Dad.   You know, it's hard to call it work when you're getting to do what you love and your clients are enjoying themselves, too.

A very special thanks to this family for trusting their daughter's 3-year portraits to me and my style of photography!